Michele Mendi

The species inhabits boreal and subalpine forest, as well as mixed woodland, with access to open sites allowing better access to prey. It has wide distribution across the boreal zone of North America and Eurasia (from Scandinavia through Siberia to Kamchatka); in addition, it has fragmented distribution in S, C & E Europe and Asia Minor, where it occurs mostly in mountains (Hayward, Hayward, 2020). Russia, Scandinavia and C Europe hold the strongholds of the European population (Keller et al. 2020).

Resident or partially migratory, often shows nomadic movements (Korpimäki, Hakkarainen, 2021).

Its population trend in Europe is fluctuating. Evaluated as “Least Concern” (BirdLife International 2021).

Season of assessment


Population trendFluctuating
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Sergey Dereliev

Small tern breeding solitary or colonially with circumpolar breeding range. In Europe, breeds along coasts from the Netherlands northwards, including N Atlantic islands and Greenland. Further north also inland on tundra’s and along arctic rivers. Strong migrant making exceptionable long-distance migrations towards Antarctic using either Atlantic or Pacific Flyway with a migratory divide somewhere in Arctic Siberia (Alerstam et al. 2019). Pelagic outside breeding season. Diet small fish and crustaceans, insects during breeding. European population 564,000-906,000 breeding pairs, decreasing.

Season of assessment


Population trendStable
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Michele Mendi

A large brown eagle with a widespread distribution covering North America and Eurasia. In Europe, present in the mountains at southern latitudes, and in wild and wooded landscapes in Scandinavia. Northernmost populations more migratory, especially in Siberia.

Season of assessment


Population trendIncreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Callum Macgregor

A common wet grassland passerine, occurring in a variety of habitats, such as tundra, moorland and heathland, bogs, saltmarshes, dunes, coastal meadows, hillsides, forest clearings, fallow land, occasionally arable land. Sedentary in West Europe and the British Isles, but migratory in most of its range, from Iceland to Siberia. Winters in West Europe and all around the Mediterranean basin. Suffered strong population declines in the southern part of the range, because of agriculture intensification and climate change. Putative subspecies in the British Isles all synonymised with nominate.

Season of assessment


Population trendDecreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Sergey Dereliev

The species occupies various types of woodland and scrub vegetation, adjacent to open areas such as grassland, farmland etc. It is broadly distributed across North America and Eurasia; widespread in Europe, the distribution is more fragmented to the N. Largely sedentary in S Europe, partial migrant in middle latitudes, N populations are migratory. In addition, the species is semi-irruptive – nomadism in response to fluctuating prey numbers is well documented in N Europe (Marks et al. 2020).

Its population trend in Europe is unknown. Evaluated as “Least Concern” (BirdLife International 2021).

Season of assessment


Population trendUnknown
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Callum Macgregor

Bohemian Waxwing breeds in relatively open coniferous, or sometimes mixed or birch, forests. Outside the breeding season it occurs in wide variety of habitats, including towns and cities. Its breeding range extends across the taiga belt of Eurasia (from N Scandinavia to E Siberia & Kamchatka) and N America (Alaska to Hudson Bay; Witmer 2020). In Europe, it occurs in most of C & N Fennoscandia, as well as N Russia (Keller et al. 2020). It is an intra-Eurasian irruptive migrant which overwinters S of the breeding range, but the extent is dependent the abundance of berries on Rowan Sorbus aucuparia.

Season of assessment


Population trendIncreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Thomas Sacher

Extensive northern breeding distribution from Scandinavia, through eastern Siberia, northern Mongolia to north-east China and the Far East Russian Arctic. In Europe, two subspecies occur, sometimes considered full species (see Ottenburghs et al. 2020). The Taiga Bean Goose A. f. fabalis, breeds in the boreal forest from Scandinavia to Ural Mountains and winters in Scotland, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. The Tundra Bean Goose A. f. rossicus breeds in montane Norway, Sweden and Finland into the Russian tundra region east to the Taimyr Peninsula and winters in the Netherlands, Germany, southeastwards into the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts.

Season of assessment


Population trendIncreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Sergey Dereliev

Small wader, feeds on terrestrial and coastal invertebrates; outside breeding season principally marine polychaete worms, crustaceans and molluscs. Nominate hiaticula NW Europe from S Scandinavia and Baltic south to France and west to Iceland and Spitsbergen, Greenland and eastern coasts of Ellesmere and Baffin Islands in Canada; tundrae coast and tundra of Lappland and USSR. A bird of sea coasts, also inland in suitable well-drained terrain. Although the population is decreasing the status is Least Concern. Largely migratory but some British birds resident.

Season of assessment


Population trendIncreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Rob Robinson

Wood Pigeon breeds from W Europe/N Africa to W Asia, avoiding particularly dry and cold regions (BirdLife International 2021, with scattered nuclei up to the Himalayas. Its migratory strategy varies from resident to partial or total migrant (migratory behavior increases to the N and E). Urban populations tend to be resident.

Season of assessment


Population trendIncreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)

Oliver Käseberg

Moustached Warbler is a scattered breeder in S Europe across to Kazakhstan. Populations vary from resident (W populations) to migratory (E populations) (BirdLife International 2021). In Europe, it mainly breeds in coastal wetlands through the Mediterranean coasts, inland Iberia and the plains around the Danube basin in E Europe. 

Season of assessment


Population trendStable
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)
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