Spain (Aranzadi)
The Aranzadi Ringing Scheme acknowledges the contribution of all people and entities who, since 1949, have reported the ring-recovery data that, from the side of our ringing scheme, now make the European Atlas of Bird Migration possible. During the last decades, the Aranzadi Ringing Scheme receives substantial financial support from the Basque Government, Gipuzkoa Deputation, Alava Deputation.
Founded in 1949, the Aranzadi Ringing Scheme operates in all Spain and provides service to more than 600 ringers who, overall, ring an average of 160,000 birds every year. Aranzadi promotes coordinated projects responding to very specific aims in order to add value and make the best use of the invaluable effort done by ringers. These projects comprise constant effort sites-based networks for the long-term monitoring of breeding or wintering bird populations, or stations operating at strategic stopover places during migration period. among other subjects.
Regarding the Atlas, Aranzadi has been deeply involved in its development by participating in the Committee coordinating the project and with the species accounts writing.
Contact the scheme: ring@aranzadi.eus