The Macedonian Bird Ringing Scheme (MBRS) was formed in 1989 but the use of Macedonian rings started only in 1995 (when we were supplied with 7500 Macedonian coded rings). Up until 1995 we used rings issued by the Ornithological Department in Zagreb, Croatia, which was the most active bird ringing centre in Yugoslavia at that time.
MBRS is part of the Bird Study and Protection Society of Macedonia (Bird Protection Macedonia - BPM).
Our Scheme is equipped with rings, mist nets and telescopes, and has access to the Prespa Lake Research Centre (provided by Bird Protection Macedonia) but unfortunately for the last few years it has not been very active due to the economic and COVID crises. To date we have not received any support for our activities from the Macedonian government or from abroad.
The main activity of MBRS is bird ringing, including the collection of phenological and morphometric data.
The Macedonian Bird Ringing Scheme would like to thank Bird Protection Macedonia which provided access to its equipment and to its Prespa Lake Research Centre.
Contact the scheme: brankom@ukim.edu.mk