In Lithuania a systematic bird ringing was initiated by the University of Lithuania (since 1931 – University of Vytautas Magnus) in 1929. The initiator of this activity was professor in zoology Tadas Ivanauskas (1882-1970).
The German rings “Vogelwarte Rossitten” provided by Rossitten Ornithological Station were used for bird ringing in Lithuania in the beginning. The own Lithuanian rings were produced and started to use in 1931. In 1952 because of a great pressure of Moscow Bird Ringing Centre (Russia) rings with inscription “Moskwa” were started to use for bird ringing in Lithuania. The usage of these rings lasted till 1968 when Lithuanian rings were started to use again.
In the country the main bird ringing place is Ventės Ragas Ornithological Station located in the Ventės Ragas peninsula on the eastern coast of Kuršių marios (Curonian Lagoon). The Station was established in 1929 while bird the bird ringing was started one year later – in 1930. Except a period 1939-1949 this Station operates till now. Since 1979 one “Great” trap (this trap is basically modified and enlarged version of Rybachy-type trap) are used for trapping birds mainly during migration. Since 1982 a new type of traps – “Zigzag” traps – also are used for trapping birds. These traps are designed to trap birds flying in two opposite directions and can be used under all weather conditions from early spring to late autumn (or even in winter if no wet sow). Captured birds never get entangled in nets and injured in these traps. Amateurs ringers ring bird in the whole territory of the country.
In total 4.6 million birds were ringed in Lithuania by the end of 2021. All possible bird ringing and recovery, retrapping and resighting data are supplied to be used in the Migration Atlas. So, many thanks to all bird ringers in Ornithological/Bird Ringing Stations and to all amateurs ringers for their often hard work in bird ringing process. Also many thanks for all people who have reported about tens of thousands recovered, retrapped or resighted ringed birds over many decades.
Bird Ringing Center is as a department of Tadas Ivanauskas Zoological Museum in Kaunas. Since 1978 the head of Lithuanian Bird Ringing Scheme/Centre is Ričardas Patapavičius.
Contact the scheme: likcentras@gmail.com