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BirdLife International2021
. Species factsheet: Accipiter gentilis.
Byholm, P., Saurola, P., Harto, L., Wikman, M.2003
. Causes of dispersal in Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in Finland. The Auk120: 706–716
Rutz, C., Bijlsma, R.G., Marquiss, M., Kenward, R.E.2006
. Population limitation in the Northern Goshawk in Europe: A review with case studies. Studies in Avian Biology31: 158–197
Squires, J. R., Reynolds, R. T., Orta, J., Marks, J. S.2020
. Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), version 1.0. In Birds of the WorldCornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA
Väli, Ü., Vainu, O.2013
. Movements of the Goshawk in Estonia: an analysis of ring recoveries. Ringing & Migration28: 106–112
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Medium-sized forest-dwelling raptor distributed over large part of the Palaeartic and Neartic regions (BirdLife International 2021). European populations mainly sedentary with juvenile dispersal; partially migratory in Fennoscandia and Russia (Byholm et al. 2003). Reverse sexual dimorphism, with males being smaller than females. Up to 8 recognized subspecies, the nominate A. g. gentilis is the one occurring in Europe (Squires et al. 2020).
Different movement patterns between regions (Väli & Vainu 2013). In most Europe, most movements are short-range and show juvenile dispersal around natal sites or post-breeding dispersal to better hunting grounds (Väli & Vainu 2013; Rutz et al. 2006). N populations (Fennoscandia) show a partial migratory pattern, moving seasonally southwards (SW). Finnish population mostly overwinter in S Scandinavia. Most recoveries in S Europe obtained in Greek islands. More than 85% of recovery data come from N Europe, which could in part reflect small ringing effort of this species in most Europe. Available tracking data mostly show local movements of resident individuals.
Contrôles par Condition for Autour des palombes
Overall, most recoveries due to dead birds (ca. 73%). The proportion of deaths caused by shooting has sharply decreased with time, being 48% before 1960, 26% between 1961-1990 and only 2.8% from 1991- to present. Even though the proportion of birds found alive is increasing with time (9.1% before 1961; 17.4% between 1961-1990; 29.3% from 1991-to present), the proportion of dead recoveries is still higher (ca.64% from 1991- to present).
Annual Movements for Autour des palombes
Post-fledging and partial migration of N European population begins in Aug-Sep, across a NE-SW axis. The rest of populations are sedentary and they show short-range movements (usually <100 km) all year-round with a post-breeding peak.
Connectivité par mois par région pour Autour des palombes
Overall, outstanding peak of ringing data in Jun (most goshawks ringed as nestlings). In N Europe, juvenile dispersion or partial migration begins in Aug-Sept, following a SW axis to S Escandinavia (S Sweden, Denmark). Few data in spring, so it is sometimes difficult to separate what are true migratory movements from what could be natal or breeding dispersals (Rutz et al. 2006). Individuals from the rest of the European ringing regions does not seem to show clear temporal movement patterns.
BirdLife International2021
. Species factsheet: Accipiter gentilis.
Byholm, P., Saurola, P., Harto, L., Wikman, M.2003
. Causes of dispersal in Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in Finland. The Auk120: 706–716
Rutz, C., Bijlsma, R.G., Marquiss, M., Kenward, R.E.2006
. Population limitation in the Northern Goshawk in Europe: A review with case studies. Studies in Avian Biology31: 158–197
Squires, J. R., Reynolds, R. T., Orta, J., Marks, J. S.2020
. Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), version 1.0. In Birds of the WorldCornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA
Väli, Ü., Vainu, O.2013
. Movements of the Goshawk in Estonia: an analysis of ring recoveries. Ringing & Migration28: 106–112