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BirdLife International2021
. Species factsheet: Larus genei.
Olsen, K. M., Larsson, H.2004
. Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America. Helm Identification Guides, London
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Breeds scattered within the circum-Mediterranean region, up to C Asia (farther E than Aral Sea), reaching the Persian Gulf. Some colonies also in W Africa (BirdLife International 2021). Mostly migratory, though birds remain in/close to their breeding areas in winter (Olsen & Larsson 2004).
Birds from SW Iberia winter mostly in NW Africa (up to Gambia), while birds from SE/E Iberia or S France move primarily to C/E Mediterranean (many recoveries in Sardinia, Algeria and Tunisia). Italian population migrates S in winter (again many birds wintering in Tunisia), whilst Italy and the C Mediterranean receives in winter many birds from the Black Sea. Birds from this last origin region overwinter mainly in the C/E Mediterranean. Birds breeding E to the Black Sea area overwinter S of the Caspian Sea and the Arabian region. Recoveries from summer to summer show high breeding/natal dispersal rate.
Contrôles par Condition for Goéland railleur
Overall, most recoveries (58%) due to birds seen alive, identified by other means (from these most from leg ring(s)). Shots represent a small fraction (7.2%). By periods, however, the proportion of birds found dead by shooting passed from 38% before 1960 to 1.8% from 1991 to present. Nowadays, most recoveries (68%) come from birds seen alive thanks to colour-ring projects in several colonies through the species’ distribution range.
Annual Movements for Goéland railleur
Leaves breeding quarters in Jul. Recoveries in winter quarters mostly from Oct to Mar, though some birds already reach these areas in Aug, and remain there until Apr. Spring migration takes place from Feb to May.
Connectivité par mois par région pour Goéland railleur
Similar temporal patterns between regions, so see ‘Annual movements’.