Anne Cotton

Colonially breeding species, which occupies sparsely vegetated low-lying areas in exclusively coastal habitats, preferring sandy, muddy, gravelly or bare coral substrates. Widely, but patchily, distributed along the coasts of Europe, E North America, Caribbean region and South America (Shealer et al. 2020). European strongholds are in the Netherlands, the British Isles, Russia and Ukraine (Keller et al. 2020). Populations in Europe are migratory, the wintering grounds being largely in the Mediterranean region and along the coasts of W Africa.

Season of assessment


Population trendIncreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)