Michele Mendi

Native breeding bird around the Mediterranean, including S Europe and NW Africa (BirdLife International 2021). Insectivorous, but takes berries and fruits outside the breeding season. Migratory, with wintering areas along the Sahelian belt (BirdLife International 2021). Recent genetic studies suggest a split into three species (Zuccon et al. 2020): Moltoni’s Warbler S. subalpine (N-C Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Balearics); Western Subalpine Warbler S. iberiae (N Africa, Iberia, S France, NW Italy) and Eastern Subalpine Warbler S. cantillans (S Italy, Sicily, Balkans, Greece, Turkey).

Season of assessment


Population trendIncreasing
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryLC
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
Nº de registros Nº de individuos Nº de recuperaciones
Datos en el mapa*
Total de datos disponibles
* Los datos del mapa incluyen solo recuperaciones lejanas (>= 50 km)