
A full list of publications referenced in species analysis texts:

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Reference No. BMAREF193 Mallory, M. L., S. A. Hatch, and D. N. Nettleship 2020 . Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), version 1.0. In Birds of the World Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA , Ithaca, NY, USA Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF069 Manikowska-Ślepowrońska, B., Mokwa, T., Jakubas, D. 2018 . Wintering and Stop-Over Areas of Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea) Breeding in Central Europe: A Ring-Recovery Analysis. Annales Zoologici Fennici 55 : 277–285
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Reference No. BMAREF679 Marchand, P., Loretto, M., Henry, P., Duriez, O., Jiguet, F., Bugnyar, T., Itty, C. 2018 . Relocations and one-time disturbance fail to sustainably disperse non-breeding common ravens Corvus corax due to homing behaviour and extensive home ranges. European Journal of Wildlife Research 64 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF919 Marchowski, D., Ławicki, L., Fox, A.D., Nielsen, R.D., Petersen, I.K., Hornman, M., Nilsson, L., Haas, F., Wahl, J., Kieckbusch, J., Nehls, H.W., Calbrade, N., Hearn, R., Meissner, W., Fitzgerald, N., Luigujoe, L., Zenatello, M., Gaudard, C. et al. 2020 . Effectiveness of the European Natura 2000 network to sustain a specialist wintering waterbird population. Scientific Reports 10
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Reference No. BMAREF530 Marthinsen, G., Wennerberg, L., Lifjeld, J. T. 2008 . Low support for separate species within the redpoll complex (Carduelis flammea–hornemanni–cabaret) from analyses of mtDNA and microsatellite markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47 : 1005–1017
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Reference No. BMAREF519 Meller, K., Vähätalob, A.V., Hokkanenc, T., Rintalad, J., Pihaa, M.,& Lehikoinena, A. 2016 . Inter-annual variation and long-term trends in proportions of resident individuals in partially migratory birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 85 : 570–580 Link to Article (DOI:
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Reference No. BMAREF859 Mellone, U., López-López, P., Limiñana, R., Piasevoli, G., Urios, V. 2022 . The trans-equatorial loop migration system of Eleonora’s falcon: differences in migration patterns between age classes, regions and seasons.
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Reference No. BMAREF858 Mellone, U., López-López, P., Limiñana, R., Urios, V. 2022 . Summer pre-breeding movements of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae revealed by satellite telemetry: Implications for conservation. Bird Conservation International 23 : 487–494
Reference No. BMAREF753 Mellone, U., Yáñez, B., Limiñana, R., Muñoz, A.-R., Pavón, D., González, J.-M., Urios, V., Ferrer, M. 2011 . Summer staging areas of non-breeding Short-toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus. Bird Study 58 : 516–521
Reference No. BMAREF491 Mendiburu, A., Arizaga, J. 2010 . Patrones de distribución espacial y temporal de la becada (Scolopax rusticola) en Gipuzkoa, durante el periodo de migración e invernada. Munibe 58 : 187–195
Reference No. BMAREF349 Merkel, B., Descamps, S., Yoccoz, N.G., Grémillet, D., Fauchald, P., Danielsen, J., Daunt, F., Erikstad, K.E., Ezhov, A.V., Harris, M.P., Gavrilo, M., Lorentsen, S.H., Reiertsen, T.K., Systad, G.H, Thórarinsson, T. L., Wanless, S., Strøm, H. 2021 . Strong migratory connectivity across meta-populations of sympatric North Atlantic seabirds. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. Link to Article (DOI: