Bosnia and Herzegovina
The first bird ringing program in Bosnia and Herzegovina was launched in 2019 by the Ornithological society "Naše ptice". So far, three ringing training camps have been organized, during which about 8.000 individuals were ringed. Two bird species new to the bird fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina were registered during the camps. Several birds were also ringed as part of scientific research on breeding biology. In addition to this, three ringers from Hungary, Dr. Tamás Enikő Anna, Horváth Gábor and Kalocsa Béla, marked birds in Hutovo blato during three years, after the camps. In 2022, the first birds were equipped with transmitters. The results of bird ringing in Bosnia and Herzegovina are regularly published in the Bulletin of the Birdwatchers' Network, published by the Society.
We are grateful to Nenad Spremo from Serbia, who was the main ringer and trainer at the camps in Hutovo blato from 2019 to 2021. We also thank our colleagues from Hungary for their cooperation and contribution to the ringing of birds in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Bariša Ilić and Boris Božić.
We thank Biljana Topić, Goran Topić, Draško Adamović, Josip Vekić and Ena Čorbo for their contribution to the work of our national ringing scheme.
Contact the scheme: naseptice@hotmail.com